DNA Replication occurs when a cell needs to make a copy of itself to produce more of a certain protein. When the body runs low on any one type of protein, the DNA that codes for that protein will replicate itself in order to rapidly produce more of that single protein until it is no longer needed. This is done in three basic steps. First of all, the DNA will unwind itself and proceed to unzip itself. This occurs with the help of the enzyme Helicase. Helicase will move along the nitrogen bases, slicing the Hydrogen bonds that hold them together apart. Next, complementary base pairing comes into play. This happens when the enzyme DNA Polymerase moves along each single strand of DNA, forming a new backbone for each strand of DNA. Finally, the completely new sets of DNA will wind back up and become a double helix.
I believe I deserve about 3+ or 4- on this blog because I have included all of the steps that DNA must go through as it is being replicated. I may have been able to expand a little bit more on the subject but overall I think I did fairly well on this one.